Sherry Schwarz
Sherry Schwarz assumed the position of editor and publisher of Transitions Abroad in 2003 and continued her invaluable work until 2008. Her primary interest and focus is on educational and responsible travel, specifically community-based travel, ecotourism, and volunteering abroad. While her role keeps her more often behind the desk than on the road, she travels vicariously through reviewing Transitions Abroad articles and working daily with internationalists. She was director of the Abroad View Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides open forums for students to discuss international education and global issues. Among its key activities was the biannual production of Abroad View, the global education magazine for students, which Sherry founded in 1998. She also served as Publications and Website Editor for the Educational Travel Community and the Educational Travel Conference of Abroad View as well as Content Manager.
Sherry’s background is in freelance writing and editing for newspapers, radio, and television. She graduated from Middlebury College in 1999 with a major in English literature and a minor in creative writing. Studying abroad at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University and traveling throughout Europe, Australia, and New Zealand impressed upon her the value of international exchanges and immersion in other cultures as the primary way to increase global awareness and understanding.
Sherry now lives in Bennington, Vermont.